Those of you who know me, know that I just love to travel. New sights, fresh air, relaxation, excitement, education, culture, I’m up for it all. The bonus here is that traveling can be wonderful for your well-being. The Health benefits of travel are abundant, and they are scientifically backed. Relieving stress and reducing cortisol has a huge impact on our physical and emotional selves.
Travel relieves stress
I know you’ve heard this before, and just looking at those amazing travel brochures advertising remote islands with beautiful beaches, causes waves of happiness as we imagine ourselves swept away to a place where we’ll not have a care in the world. Who can have stress in a place like that, right? Well, we don’t need to hide away on a remote island to enjoy the benefit of stress relief that travel offers. Whether you head to a hidden getaway that is just an hour or two from home, or you trek halfway around the globe, exploring new locations will be beneficial. Traveling has been scientifically proven to reduce stress. Taking your mind off of the daily grind can lead to reduced anxiety, and reduced cortisol levels. That nasty cortisol can increase blood sugar levels and cause increased inflammation in the body, which can wreak havoc on our health, so reducing this is a good thing. Higher levels of stress are associated with higher blood pressures, so stress reduction is good for the cardiovascular system.
Reduces your risk of Heart Disease
As I mentioned above, decreased stress is associated with decreased blood pressure, and that is good. According to the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies, men who do not vacation annually increase their risk of heart disease by 30%.
The Framingham Heart Study, which included over 14,000 people from three generations, also shows a decrease risk of heart attack in women and men who routinely travel. Our heart is our workhorse, our powerhouse, and if we don’t take care of it, it will have a hard time sending all those little red oxygen carrying trucks throughout our body. When the heart can’t perform as needed, the rest of the body will suffer. So when is the last time you planned a weekend getaway? Have you seen all the tourist sites in your local area? There is no need to break the bank to reap the benefits of a weekend retreat. Check out a state park near you. Learn to focus on yourself, relax, and recharge. Your heart will thank you.
Stimulates the intellect and enhances creativity
Exploring new locations and immersing yourself in new cultures can stimulate creativity. Removing yourself from the daily grind, and navigating the streets of an unfamiliar area is like a strength training class for your brain. Experiencing all those new sights and sounds can actually lead to the formation of new neural connections, and who among us doesn’t want more of those? If you really want to focus in on the brain benefits, add some cultural and educational locations to your itinerary. Again, you don’t have to go halfway around the globe. If a two-week vacation doesn’t seem possible, search for points of interest within a 300-mile radius of your home. You just might be surprised at what you find. So head out and enjoy those brain boosting benefits of exploring the world around you.
Reduces the risk of depression
Reducing stress levels, getting adequate sleep, and boosting your overall happiness all play a part in reducing your risk of depression. All also happen to occur when you take a trip away from home. A study done by the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology linked travel and overseas study to emotional stability. AARP also reports an increase in overall emotional and physical health as a result from their study on the health and wellness benefits of leisure travel. Report after report we continue to hear about the positive health benefits of travel. Being able to recharge, rejuvenate, and focus on our sense of wellness as a whole, is an important part of maintaining a healthy balance of all aspects of our being. One Cornell University study has found that merely the act of planning a trip increases levels of happiness, even if it is one you may not take. I am a firm believer in this. I am always planning that next getaway. Begin increasing your happiness today. Plan a trip, or two, or three, and once you feel how it affects your overall wellness, you’ll be on your way to a lifetime of wellness boosting travel.

Travel often to Promote your overall well-being
So we are reducing stress, stimulating our brain, reducing our risk of heart disease, and increasing our physical activity, all from taking a trip away from home. For those of us spending more and more time behind a desk these days, the more times that we can get up and get out, the better. Our stress-filled days and sleep deprived nights wreak havoc on our health over the long haul. Don’t wait until you’ve stressed you’ve stressed yourself into high blood pressure, and worse yet, cardiac arrest. Make it a point to take time away from the daily grind, and get outside to explore the world around you. It is beneficial for your whole being, and will improve your mental and physical health.
I plan at least three trips each year to get away from the daily routine, and usually throw in three more spontaneous weekend getaways to break up the day to day grind. Being a theme park junkie, many of these getaways involve roller coasters and other assorted thrill rides. The release of endorphins, dopamine, and adrenaline that increases the heart rate, pull in more oxygen, and give your mood a swift boost will be a topic for another blog.
If you have a trip taking routine that you enjoy, drop a comment below, I’d love to hear about how often you travel and how it has a positive effect your wellness.
Questions and concerns are welcome! Leave them in the comments below.